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Wirral Hospice Visit - April 2019

Visit to Wirral Hospice St John's on 24th April 2019

Paul Clare and I visited Wirral Hospice St John’s on 24th April, to assess a grant application towards the renovation of the disabled toilets in their Outpatient department.

About the charity

Wirral Hospice St John's is a charity providing care and support to patients and their families from Wirral. The charity’s specialist team comprises Medical and Nursing staff, Social Workers, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Aromatherapist, Creative Therapist, Chaplains, Housekeeping/Maintenance staff and Volunteers. They all work together as a team to improve the quality of life of patients under their care.

Wirral Hospice

Wirral Hospice was founded in 1983 to bring care and comfort to people with incurable conditions nearing the end of their lives. Their vision was conceived by a small group of local doctors who then inspired and enthused the general Wirral community to support its creation, with the original Hospice opening on the Clatterbridge site in 1983. Thirteen years later, they moved to a new, purpose-built facility. Although initially an Inpatient facility, in 1990 the Hospice broadened its offer to day therapy and Outpatients clinics, which complemented the already established Befriending Service and Bereavement Education.

The Hospice has 16 Inpatient beds, a Wellbeing Centre, Hospice at Home and an Outpatient facility. The Outpatient department provides supportive care to help patients remain at home and enjoy a good quality of life wherever possible.

Reason for grant

We met Julia Evans, Fundraising Manager, Mark Jones, Facilities Manager, Teresa Nightingale, Head of Fundraising and Helen Parkinson, Nursing Manager.

Helen explained the reason for renovating the toilets in the Outpatients.

Unfortunately, more and more patients at the Hospice are suffering from complex conditions such as MS and Motor Neuron Disease which severely restrict the patients' movement. The current toilets do not include a lift or changing mat facilities. Helen showed Paul how difficult it is for patients with little movement to use the current facilities.

Mark explained that the current two toilets would be knocked into one to provide the space for the new equipment. The cost of the project is £15,300 with the extra £5,300 being raised from the local community and other grant-makers. Clearly a potential grant from the Hospital Saturday Fund would allow people with the most difficult life limiting conditions to benefit from the Hospice’s Outpatient facilities.

Find out more about Wirral Hospice St John's

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The Hospital Saturday Fund 
A Registered Charity in the UK No 1123381 and in Ireland No 20104528
Registered Office: 24 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD
President: The Lord Mayor of London
Chief Executive: Paul W Jackson MSc BA(Hons) DChA

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