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Versus Arthritis - donor event

Versus Arthritis is a charity who are working to challenge the condition of arthritis. As a group of volunteers, healthcare professionals, researchers and friends, they are driving to develop and campaign about this condition as much as possible. They are united by a mission towards ensuring that one day “no one will live with the pain and isolation” that is inflicted by arthritis.

In February, our HR Manager, Shelley Whittington, and Customer Care Supervisor, Stephanie Cahoon attended a dinner hosted by Jane Asher, author, actor and entrepreneur, on behalf of Versus Arthritis in Mayfair.

The focus of the evening’s discussions were oriented around the urgency for change within the arthritis community. Both Anna Cooper, Head of High Value Partnerships, and Stewart Long, Director of Involvement and Services spoke about renewed campaigns to challenge the misconceptions surrounding arthritis, and ensuring it is recognised as a high health priority in the UK. Largely, these ambitions are driven by the classic dismissal of the condition as “just a bit of arthritis”.

Overall, the charity’s ambitions are clear. These include developing breakthrough treatments, campaigning further for arthritis, challenging peoples’ perception of it, and ensuring that the best information, advice and support is readily available.

The Hospital Saturday Fund was pleased to award a grant to Versus Arthritis towards providing weekly support services, focused workshops and residential weekend events for young people with arthritis and their families.

For more information please visit:

Young people with arthritis taking part in the Birmingham Young People & families project.

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The Hospital Saturday Fund 
A Registered Charity in the UK No 1123381 and in Ireland No 20104528
Registered Office: 24 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD
President: The Lord Mayor of London
Chief Executive: Paul W Jackson MSc BA(Hons) DChA

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