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The Hospital Saturday Fund Reception 2019, Glasgow

On the 21st of February, The Hospital Saturday Fund hosted a special reception at the Glasgow City Chambers where donations were presented to 26 Scottish charities. In all, £80,000 was donated to the charities, with the cheques being presented by The Lord Dean of Guild, Mr Ian Dickson, who was representing The Rt Hon Lord Provost of Glasgow, Councilor Eva Bolander (Vice President of The Hospital Saturday Fund).

Among the beneficiaries included the following charities:

· Leonard Cheshire, who received a grant towards their Go Digital! Project for access to health and inclusion via technology

· The Children with Cancer and Leukaemia (CCLASP) charity received a grant towards fitting out their new respite centre

· The Froglife Trust grant is to be used towards their dementia project

· Scottish Huntington’s Association received some funding to enable them to provide an HD Specialist Service in Glasgow and Clyde

· The Orkney MS Therapy Centre, who intend to use their grant to fund enabling therapies for MS sufferers in Orkney

· Marie Curie received a grant towards funding their ‘Pay for a Day’ of care at their Glasgow hospice

· The Throat Cancer Foundation’s grant will be used towards providing information booklets for patients, families and medical professionals

Speaking at the reception on behalf of The Lord Provost, the Lord Dean of Guild celebrated the extraordinary work of all the charities receiving donations from The Hospital Saturday Fund. The Lord Provost of Glasgow, Councillor Eva Bolander, had nominated The Lord Provost’s Children’s Fund as her chosen charity for the event, and the grant from HSF will support applications relating to the areas of medical need, ill health or disability.

Paul Jackson, Chief Executive of The Hospital Saturday Fund said: “We are delighted to continue the tradition of supporting many wide-ranging charities in Scotland, many of which are less well-known. The Hospital Saturday Fund is honored to support the efforts of such deserving charities and help in some way towards the exceptional, tireless work that they do in making such a huge and positive difference to people’s lives.”

In 2019 the Hospital Saturday Fund will give £1.5 million as grants to medical charities for care and research, hospices and hospitals across the UK and Ireland. Assistance will also be given to individuals whose illness or disability has caused financial difficulties.

John Greenwood, The Hospital Saturday Fund Chairman with Mr Ian Dickson, Lord Dean of Guild and Paul Jackson, The Hospital Saturday Fund Chief Executive

Charities that received grants at the reception:

Bobath Scotland

Cairns Counselling

Canine Concern Trust Scotland

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Children’s Hospice Association Scotland

Children with Cancer & Leukaemia (CCLASP)

CLAN Cancer Support

CLIC Sargent

Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Edinburgh Headway Group

Epilepsy Scotland

Eric Liddell Centre

Froglife Trust

Leonard Cheshire

Lomond Mountain Rescue Team

Lord Provost’s Children’s Fund

Maggie’s Glasgow

Marie Curie

Orkney MS Therapy Centre


Scottish Cot Death Trust

Scottish Huntington’s Association

St Columba’s Hospice

Throat Cancer Foundation


Waverley Care

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The Hospital Saturday Fund 
A Registered Charity in the UK No 1123381 and in Ireland No 20104528
Registered Office: 24 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD
President: The Lord Mayor of London
Chief Executive: Paul W Jackson MSc BA(Hons) DChA

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