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Queen's University, Belfast - March 2019

Paul Jackson and Dave Thomas present a cheque to various members of the medical department at Queen's University, Belfast.

Visit to Queen's University on 27th March 2019

Along with Dave Thomas (one of our non-executive directors), I visited Queen’s University Belfast Medical School in March to present a cheque for £10,000. This sum represents a Hospital Saturday Fund medical elective donation for the first quarter of 2019.

Pictured alongside Dave and myself are Dr Neil Kennedy, Ian Walsh, Norma Sinte, Anne McGuinness, Helen Carrick and some of the students.

About Queen's University

The Queen's University of Belfast's School of Medicine was established in 1849, which makes it one of the oldest in the UK. With an undergraduate population of 1,350 students from Northern Ireland, the UK and beyond, the school prides itself on providing a perfect balance between world- class teaching and internationally recognised research infrastructures. In addition, the University is a member of the Russell Group of leading UK Universities.

Medical Electives at Queen's University

Students from the Queen's University School of Medicine have been undertaking elective placements for decades and they are seen as an essential aspect of the undergraduate course curriculum.

The medical elective is a compulsory element of the 4th year of undergraduate study, with students not permitted to progress to final year without the satisfactory completion of a 6-week elective module. Every year around 240 – 275 students undertake medical elective placements.

Some recent electives

Dave and I met a number of medical students, who had recently been on electives. Some of the more unusual places visited by the students were Peru, Belize and Malawi. Ian Walsh, Electives Coordinator, Centre for Medical Education, explained that he had already received a large number of applications from students for HSF bursaries to a very diverse number of locations.

Find out more

To find out more about Medicine at Queen's University, Belfast. click here:

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The Hospital Saturday Fund 
A Registered Charity in the UK No 1123381 and in Ireland No 20104528
Registered Office: 24 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD
President: The Lord Mayor of London
Chief Executive: Paul W Jackson MSc BA(Hons) DChA

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