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Counselling for those affected by cancer in South-West England

The Hospital Saturday Fund has made a grant to Positive Action on Cancer (PAC) who offer free, professional counselling to anyone affected by cancer in the West Country. A cancer diagnosis turns a family’s life upside down and PAC is there to hear someone say what is ‘unsayable’ to their loved ones. John, 54, had an extremely stressful worklife and was already feeling the strain when his wife was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The distress and uncertainty left him suffering from severe panic attacks. These affected his ability to work and support his wife and children in the way that he would have liked to.

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The Hospital Saturday Fund 
A Registered Charity in the UK No 1123381 and in Ireland No 20104528
Registered Office: 24 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PD
President: The Lord Mayor of London
Chief Executive: Paul W Jackson MSc BA(Hons) DChA

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